Thursday, January 31, 2019

Video Games: Why we play, TryHards & Bill Maher is wrong about us

Let's chat for a moment....

Most of you reading this are just like me, a gamer.  A label embraced by our community but scorned by many in a society that thinks we should be spending all our time worrying about things that we have little to no control over.

That we don't and instead choose other pursuits seems to give license to those so-called "normal" people to dismiss, denigrate and insult what is just another pastime.  Albeit one less traditional than say running around a field chasing a ball ( like a dog ) Or dressing up like a tree and running around a forest shooting at things that don't shoot back.

Yeah OK, we're the immature ones.

Well, to be fair some of us are but then I've met some pretty immature people that never picked up a game controller or spent an all-niter trying to conquer that last level with a few beers and some like-minded friends.  

BTW, their idea of fun usually involves meat sweats and watching someone else chase after a ball on TV...

But I digress.

That we may enjoy things less tangible often speaks to our station in society.   For many of us the only chance at a victory comes from something of little value to the world at large.  

It's not a resignation to defeat or a lack of ambition.  Instead it's a little taste of victory that we may not otherwise have.  

Let's face it.  There is no sure-fire roadmap to success in anything anymore and the increasing popularity of gaming is a direct reflection of that.  You have to win at something once in awhile just to keep your sanity.  

You have to have something in your life that at least has a chance of paying off for your investment. 

Games may be one of the last refuges of that even if the payoff is meaningless to anyone but you.

Take a look around.  You're bound to know at least a few people with a whole lot of debt that ended up with nothing to show for it.  

No wonder then that gaming has become so popular.

As an aside...

No Bill Maher, on this you have no foundation for an opinion and are flat out wrong with the barbs you've leveled at an entire community.  You're way too old and have enjoyed way too much privilege and success to understand why some people turn to things like games and comic books.

That said...

The real world is always hungry for an opportunity to turn a profit.  Especially for those looking for an escape from it.  

That's why vacations to places far from the everyday grind are so expensive.  Escape costs and if there's a buck to be made you can be sure there's someone to squeeze the golden goose till she bleeds.  

Video games are no different and as they've become more complex their allure has only gotten stronger.  Especially to those who can't afford those 2 weeks in the Bahamas every year.  

So you pay for your sanity one way or another.  It's just cheaper to do it with a video game.  Or at least it was.  Where there's a market there's someone willing to milk it.  We see it in things like paid DLC, Loot crates, and shoddy triple-A titles with ridiculous pre-order prices.  But that's another topic.

The real world can intrude in other ways.  

Political and racist statements in online game chats,  social Justice agendas baked into  games where there should be none (Yes I mean Battlefield 5) and pay walls to block players that chose not to pay for the "season pass."

I have to admit that all is not purity and light in our community.  Gaming can bring out the worst in certain  people.  You're largely anonymous in an online game which to some is a license to nurture their inner racist, sociopath or bully.

The latest example of the behavior I've witnessed is a new term that's been popping up in chat windows.  The word is, "TryHard."  It's meant to be derogatory and usually leveled at newer players of a game who may not be as skilled as other players but won't give up.  

You just can't seem to win with some people among whom  are those leveling the barb at you.  On one hand you're told to "get good" but when you try you're a "try hard."

So what do you want?  New players to just stand there and be practice dummies? 

I'm sick of the labels.  Everyone's been a "noob" once.  So what?  Seems there's no shortage of labels to throw around at people that somehow get in the way of those "Veterans" out there.

It's a game kids, a freaking game!  People play it to have fun and hopefully learn how to get along in friendly competition.   Whatever life isn't offering up to you is not going to be fully satisfied by mastering a video game so chill the hell out!

It's like alcohol.  It's only meant for a short-term reprieve not a long-term solution to your problems. 

It's gone too far when you feel the need to attack someone who is just trying to be a better player.  Especially when you attack them for doing the very thing you encouraged them to do with all of the "Get Good" you've leveled.

We're not even talking about the cheats who ruin the experience for everyone due to their overheated sociopathic  tendencies either.  

My position is simple.  The world is crappy enough.  We don't need your ego trip reminding us of it here.  If you want to be lord of the game go rent your own server.  Otherwise, play nice.

To that end I'm leading a small and admittedly inconsequential effort to take back the words TRY HARD.   

We should all be "TryHards" and do the best we can all the time enjoying the reprieve that gaming provides. 

Oh, and leave the ego at the door.

So instead of being an ass why not help someone be better.  Why not TRY HARD to make it a better experience for everyone.  You may even find someone that makes your experience better.

We're all there for the same reason.

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